Reduced-Order and Aggregated Modeling of Large-Signal Synchronization Stability for Multi-Converter Systems

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During severe grid faults, grid-following converters may become unstable and experience loss of synchronization when complying with requirements for low-voltage ride-through capability. This phenomenon is well described, understood, and modeled for single-converter systems but lacks a modeling framework when extended to multiconverter systems. To fill this gap, this work presents the necessary stability conditions and aggregated reduced-order models for different multiconverter configurations, which can be used to assess the transient synchronization stability of grid-following converters under symmetrical grid faults. The necessary conditions for transient stability and the aggregated models are verified through numerous simulation studies, which verify their high accuracy for large-signal synchronization stability assessment. To that end, the Anholt wind power plant is considered as a case study where the aggregated model is compared to the full operation of a wind farm string containing nine full-order grid-following converter models. High model accuracy is obtained, and the computational burden associated with the proposed model is reduced with a factor of 100 compared with a full-order representation on the tested system. Accordingly, the presented analysis and proposed modeling are attractive as a screening tool and a convenient approach for early-stage fault analysis of system design.

TidsskriftI E E E Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)3150-3165
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2021


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