A cognitive mess: Mixed feelings about wind farms on the Danish coast and the emotions of energy infrastructure opposition

Paul Upham*, Katinka Johansen


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18 Citationer (Scopus)
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The majority of local respondents in a large-scale survey were in favour of planned local wind farms on the Danish coast, despite these wind farm plans being the source of wider public and political contestation and opposition. Here we discuss results from the open-ended questions in the survey, specifically focusing on comments expressing how some respondents felt split in their views of these wind farms, accepting the need for renewable energy while at the same time being concerned about the potential local impact of the wind farms. Building on previous theoretical propositions relating to energy infrastructure opposition, here we apply the concept of cognitive polyphasia in some depth, providing a socio-cognitive account of the internal contradiction of being positively disposed to renewable energy in principle, but concerned about or opposed to specific de­velopments in localities. We distinguish a cognitive polyphasic account of such mixed feelings from cognitive dissonance accounts, and we identify several types of polyphasic representations, providing a basis for further work in other cases.
TidsskriftEnergy Research & Social Science
Udgave nummerAugust
Sider (fra-til)1-10
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 14 maj 2020


  • Social Psychology
  • Social acceptance
  • wind farms
  • cognitive dissonance
  • offshore
  • renewable energy
  • energy transitions
  • public perceptions
  • survey
  • Denmark
  • sustainability


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