Young adults and sustainable travel: on values, social networks and transport systems

Nanna Brunnstrøm Jensen, Martin Trandberg Jensen*, Anette Therkelsen


Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/konference proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


Climate change is increasingly influencing the consumer choices of tourists, not least young consumers. Based on qualitative interviews with young Danish consumers, this chapter examines the barriers and drivers to sustainable travel. Drawing on a qualitative research approach, the present study shows that barriers and drivers to engaging in pro-environmental behaviour are not only based on rational factors, but also on systemic, social, habitual, and value-related factors. A value-action gap is evident among these young adults, which is reinforced by the contradictory relationship between behaviour at home versus away. Accordingly, this chapter adds to the field of consumer studies in tourism by demonstrating how values, social networks and systemic barriers influence the travel considerations of contemporary young consumers.

TitelHandbook of Tourism and Consumer Behavior
RedaktørerDanni Zheng, Metin Kozak, Jun Wen
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Publikationsdatonov. 2024
ISBN (Trykt)9781035309795
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781035309801
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2024
NavnResearch Handbooks in Tourism


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