Children’s Generative Play with a Combination of Analogue and Digital Resources

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This chapter focuses on children’s play and making activities when involved in creative processes, in particular focusing on how different resources and materials foster their agency. The chapter will include empirical data where children (3–9 years of age) are engaged with both digital and analogue resources, (LEGO, Minecraft, and Virtual Reality). The analysis was based on data in the form of ethnographic observations, and informal conversations. The analysis focused on how children engaged with the different resources and how they unified or separated them in the design activity. We narrowed this focus into four main categories: problem scoping, idea generation, design monitoring, and design experience. The chapter contributes to further specifying dimensions of digital creation opening new avenues of play and creation with a unifying combination of analogue and digital resources. This has implications on educational and societal instances by renewing our understanding of children’s contemporary play.
TitelCreating Digitally : Shifting Boundaries: Arts and Technologies—Contemporary Applications and Concepts
RedaktørerAnthony L. Brooks
Publikationsdatodec. 2023
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-031-31359-2
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-031-31360-8
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2023
NavnIntelligent Systems Reference Library


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