Projekter pr. år
trains computers to process data for new 3D images, or simply asks the computer to produce a 3D model, is naturally altering the perception of what it means to make visual art and who makes such art.
In a teaching context, an important question concerns what should be taught in the visual arts and how the increasing digital entanglement in all practices should be handled in the various disciplines of the teaching subject.
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Titel | 3D Digital Modelling in Visual Arts Education |
Redaktører | Mie Buhl, Tarja Haïkïo |
Antal sider | 8 |
Vol/bind | 20 |
Udgivelsessted | Umeå University |
Forlag | Umeå University |
Publikationsdato | 14 feb. 2024 |
Sider | 9-15 |
Artikelnummer | 1 |
ISBN (Trykt) | 978-91-8070-267-6 |
ISBN (Elektronisk) | 978-91-8070-267-6 |
Status | Udgivet - 14 feb. 2024 |
Navn | TILDE - Department of creative studies |
Vol/bind | 20 |
ISSN | 1103-8470 |
- 1 Afsluttet
3D digital modelling in visual arts education – How does technology feed in to new approaches to sculpturing and what are the new aesthetic qualities?
Buhl, M. (PI (principal investigator)), Skov, K. (PI (principal investigator)), Haïkö, T. (PI (principal investigator)), Hildén, D. T. (PI (principal investigator)), Marklund, F. (PI (principal investigator)), Heinonen, M. (PI (principal investigator)), Skriver, J. A. (PI (principal investigator)) & Händel, V. D. (PI (principal investigator))
01/01/2021 → 31/07/2022
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
NERA Congress 2023
Buhl, M. (Deltager)
15 mar. 2023 → 17 mar. 2023Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhed › Organisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar, udstilling eller lignende
Tilde (Forlag)
Buhl, M. (Redaktør) & Haïkö, T. (Redaktør)
jun. 2022 → 14 feb. 2024Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Redaktør af uafslutttet antologi/samleværk › Forskning
Medlem af ministeriet fagudvalg for undervisningsfaget billedkunst
Buhl, M. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact, Anden impact
- 1 Konferenceabstrakt til konference
Symposium: 3D-sculpting; A Nordic Higher Education Collaboration Project
Buhl, M., Haïkö, T., Hildén, D. T., Skov, K., Marklund, F. & Heinonen, M., 15 mar. 2023. 1 s.Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskrift › Konferenceabstrakt til konference › Forskning › peer review